How Do Parents Play a Part in Early Childhood Education?

Parental involvement in Early Childhood Education can extend the experiences that a child has in the classroom to real-world activities that happen in the home. A parent who understands what their child is working on at preschool has a better sense of their child’s competency and which areas they need to work on to improve confidence and ability.

One of the most difficult challenges for Early Childhood Educators is figuring out how to better engage parents in their child’s learning. By establishing good lines of communication between our Child Care Centre and parents, as well as making a strong effort to involve parents as an important partner in their child’s education, we can make a positive impact on their learning ability.

Invite parents to learn more about our Centre, our Staff and how the child care Centre operates.

Making families feel more comfortable with our Centre and developing a positive relationship for parents with the Educators who work here will go a long way in making parents feel at ease and more likely to be involved in their child’s daily activities.

Parents’ participation in our classroom.

Do Parents have a special talent that they would like to share with the class? \fould they be
interested in volunteering to help in an art project or read a story? This is a great way to show
the children that parents are active in their child’s Education and reinforces the child’s desire
to learn.

Thank Parents for being involved.

After a parent visits or volunteers at Twinklekidz, we encourage our children to write a thank you note to let them know we appreciate their time and assistance.

Create a daily report or journal for each child.

Using daily reports to outline the child’s individual progress offers a better way for parents and Educators to communicate and give feedback. We provide resources (Littlelives portal) to the parents including home school connection activities that relate to our weekly lesson plans. These can be in relation to developing motor skills, language development, discovery of the world and more. These resources can offer additional guidance that parents can use at home to cultivate further skills and talents in their children.

For more information, visit our website: